Thursday, August 07, 2008
No President Has Ever Handed Off A Greater Mess To His Successor
When Bill Clinton handed off the keys to the White House to George W. Bush in 2001, the nation was in good shape, having enjoyed eight years of peace and prosperity. America was enjoying its first budget surplus in three decades. The economy was healthy. The U.S. Constitution was still intact. The dollar was strong and was still the world's reserve currency of choice. Gas was $1.20 a gallon.
However, Bush's successor won't be so lucky. In fact, no president has ever handed off a great mess to his successor in U.S. history.
In fact, I pity the next president. Bush has dug America into a hole so deep, that a lot of the titanic problems he's gotten us into will be pretty much impossible to solve.
Take America's out-of-control, gigantic budget deficits, for example. The next president will inherit a record $482 billion deficit in 2009. And actually, that's a conservative estimate by the White House (which misleadingly isn't including the massive additional costs of the Iraq War in its budget forecasts).
Speaking of the Iraq War, no president has ever left his successor a single bigger ongoing crisis. There is no real solution to this ongoing $3 trillion fiasco of a war. In fact, Bush's only "solution" has been to simply drag out this war long enough to hand it off to his successor. And the Afghanistan War is another ongoing fiasco with no end in sight.
Then, there's America's deteriorating economy. When Bush tried his hand in the private sector years ago, he managed to drive all three companies he had a hand in into the ground. Now, he's done pretty much the same thing to America itself.
The economy today is a horrendous mess, with 3.2 million manufacturing jobs lost since 2001. The ongoing subprime mortgage crisis is a black hole of doom and gloom with no end in sight. Serious financial commentators are starting to speak of a new 1930s style Great Depression. Some 2 million Americans stand to lose their homes in the coming years.
America's ability to get things around the world accomplished has been seriously diminished under Bush. In fact, Bush's successor will inherit a nation that is now widely feared and hated around the world. Once, when U.S. presidents used to talk to other nations about the need to respect human rights, America's words carried great weight. Now, such lectures are simply laughed at and ignored.
Along with our lost moral authority, America's clout on the international stage has been vastly weakened under Bush. For a start, our military (which has been severely battered in the Iraq fiasco) is in terrible shape.
And the dollar (which was a principal lever of U.S. power for decades) is a joke these days. The dollar continues to plummet in value---a trend which is certain to continue as America's creditor nations get increasingly spooked by out-of-control U.S. deficits.
Clearly, America is a totally different nation than the one that Bush inherited when he assumed power in 2001.
Seven short years ago, the American Dream was still alive. America was still a "Can Do" nation. We still had the ability to get things done.
Now, in addition to being broke, most Americans are deeply cynical and pessimistic. Even if the next president can do something about our financial crisis, he's going to find it real tough to restore the faith that many of us have lost in America during the Bush nightmare years.
In short, it will take decades for America to recover from the Bush years. The enormous problems we face today will simply be too great for the next president to solve, no matter what course of action he takes. All we can hope for is that the next president can stop the rot.
Labels: America In Crisis, George W. Bush
Friday, July 04, 2008
Your Fourth of July and My Fourth of July
Juan Cole's piece sums up the way I feel about Independence Day, 2008 nicely:
Your Fourth of July is blood for oil.
My Fourth of July is the pure sunbeam of peace.
Yours is the imperial presidency and "so what?" to public opinion.
Mine is "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
Yours is profiling and discrimination.
Mine is "all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights."
Yours is "My country right or wrong."
Mine is avoiding "Offences against the Law of Nations"
Yours is the veto of child health care and rejection of Kyoto,
Mine is an America that cares about the wellbeing of our children.
Yours is a monarchical presidency above the law.
Mine is, with Tom Paine, "in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other."
Yours is aggressive invasions of countries that did not attack us first.
Mine is "and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends."
Yours is water-boarding and electrocution.
Mine is the prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.
Yours is the stench of a million moldering corpses, military rule over 27 million, and the creation of oceans of misery.
Mine is "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
Yours is off-shore drilling, coddling polluters, 'heckuva job Brownie.'
Mine is a stewardship of America the beautiful for succeeding generations.
Yours is the privatization of war and the deployment of whole divisions of "contractors. . ."
Mine is an America where privates do not risk their lives for a tenth of what a mercenary is paid by the Pentagon.
Yours is the erection of protest zones as zoos for citizens.
Mine is, "or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Yours is the swagger of the flight jacket and the bombs raining down.
Mine is the schooling of the next global generation.
Mine is America, the pure sunbeam of peace.
Go to Juan Cole's site Informed Comment for more.
Labels: America In Crisis, Independence Day
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